tag Seattle Talent


IMTA NY 17 was too kind to Danik Reznikov

If you don’t already know him by now, this is Mr. Danik Reznikov. He competed as both model and actor at IMTA NY 17, and performed very well. When awards night came, Danik’s name was a popular one, placing top 7 in the Jeans, On-Camera Host, and TV Beauty Competiotions, and well as 2nd Runner Up in both Screen Test and Swimwear/Beachwear, and 1st runner up for the TV Real people Competitions!

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Seattle Talent Models on New Day Northwest!

Back to school is right around the corner, are you still looking for the perfect outfit? Well look no further, our models Sam Thompson, JazziLee Riser, Kaela Robinson, Erin Darling, Scott Wilson, Jasey Doria, Yash Mehta, Viola Wu, Bilal Myers, and Veronika Gibson, with the help of King 5’s New Day Northwest are here to show you what’s trendy and where to find it, to keep you looking cool on your first say of school.

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Callbacks are in for Bonnie Ventis of Clear Talent!

Congratulations to the following Seattle Talent clients who have made the callback list for Bonnie Ventis of Clear Talent. Farron Barrier-Flynn Mirayah Robinson Brooklyn Williams If your name appears above please reply to Annavon for callback information.

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IMTA NY 17 was kind to Mr. Nishant Ghan!

Here is the talented Actor/Model Mr Nishant Ghan! Nishant tore up the IMTA competitions and stage stockpiling awards as he went along. He placed Top 7 in the Jeans, Monologue, and Theatrical Headshots Competitions.

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Will Gannon is going to do great things!

Here is our good friend Mr Will Gannon! You may know Will from around the office making friends with everyone he meets, and working with us at the front desk greeting people with the friendliest and most infectious smile, but what you might not know is Will was a part of our IMTA NY 17 team!

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IMTA and Alex DeMars go hand in hand!

Check out Mr. Alex DeMars! Alex did an absolute fantastic job at IMTA NY 17 and competed with no fear or hesitation. Alex placed top 7 in the Commercial Print, Fashion Print, Runway, Screen Test, Swimwear, TV Beauty and TV real People competitions!

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The weekend is over and Monday is here!

Happy Monday, hope everyone had a fun weekend in the Seattle sunshine. Us here at Seattle Talent had an exciting weekend, a very fun IMTA LA 18 audition here at our office, and a very successful talent search in Salt Lake City!

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