tag Seattle Artists Agency


Some more great work from SAA/ST clients!

Some more great work from SAA/ST clients, this time for The Deol Group, a wonderfully successful Real Estate firm, our talent featured includes: Kiahn Larry Emily Morgan Jazmine Trevino Chris Chavez Debora McCalir Nice work gang, ya nailed it!

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Great work everyone!

Congrats to the Seattle Artists Agency and Seattle Talent Clients who filmed for our friends today at Cut.com. Great work everyone! Jessica Lukadi Claudia McCray Laura A. Cook Lee Wright Jazmine Trevino Venis John Hazel Rose Gibson Saphiera Jones Joyce McCraney Dairyona Thompson Keiarra Mason Tracy Cook Victoria Cook Wetlyne Douglas Tiara Williams Sydni Beard Priscilla Nzenge Monica Tyron

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Callbacks Are In for Fran Blain of Blain and Associates!

Congratulations to the following Seattle Talent & Seattle Artist Agency Clients who have made the callback list for Fran Blain of Blain and Associates. Amelie Bullen Micah Classen Victoria Cook Isaak Crout Douglas French Zarmin Hirji Aman Kainth Robbie LaTorre Jasmin Nolte Gloria Plenkina Ian Register Octavio Rodriguez Congratulations to the following Seattle Talent Clients & Seattle Artists Agency Clients who made the honorable mention list for Fran Blain.

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A bunch of our kids on Cut.com's "Kids try" video!

Amazing! Our friends over at Cut.com (be sure to check out their YouTube channel!) has just made another “Kid’s Try” video, and it is hilarious! JayQue, Maddox, Liam, Carolina & Steven, Sofia, Brennan, Melody, Vanessa & Talbot!

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