tag Seattle Artists Agency


IMTA NY 17 was too kind to Danik Reznikov

If you don’t already know him by now, this is Mr. Danik Reznikov. He competed as both model and actor at IMTA NY 17, and performed very well. When awards night came, Danik’s name was a popular one, placing top 7 in the Jeans, On-Camera Host, and TV Beauty Competiotions, and well as 2nd Runner Up in both Screen Test and Swimwear/Beachwear, and 1st runner up for the TV Real people Competitions!

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Seattle Talent Models on New Day Northwest!

Back to school is right around the corner, are you still looking for the perfect outfit? Well look no further, our models Sam Thompson, JazziLee Riser, Kaela Robinson, Erin Darling, Scott Wilson, Jasey Doria, Yash Mehta, Viola Wu, Bilal Myers, and Veronika Gibson, with the help of King 5’s New Day Northwest are here to show you what’s trendy and where to find it, to keep you looking cool on your first say of school.

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Top 10 Kids Try Moments!

Happy Friday everyone! You have survived the week, and the weekend is here! We have an exciting weekend here at Seattle Talent, as we are eager to see who our next stars will be in our talent search in Cedar Rapids tomorrow!

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Huge congratulations to our own Mr. Ethan Soltanzadeh!

Check this out! Our very talented Mr. Ethan Soltanzadeh, in his very first national commercial with Five Star! Ethan has been a client of ours for years, was even a part of our IMTA LA 16 team, walking away with Male Junior Actor of the Year, and placing top 5 for Most Sought After Male Talent!

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Need a Monday pick-me-up?

Need a Monday pick-me-up? We’ve got just the thing for you! Cute kids and cute animals come together for one fantastic video. The Hi Ho Kids series takes a break from trying new foods, to pet adorable animals.

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Can you raise just one eyebrow?

Dozens and dozens of our clients can be seen on this super funny Cut.com video, 100 Kids Try to Raise An Eyebrow! I’ve watched this about 15 times on repeat, and it just keeps getting better and better!

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IMTA Photos On Instagram!

Attention everyone! Head on over to Instagram and search the hashtag #SeattleTalent to see some awesome photos that our team has been posting at IMTA NY 17! P.S. I’m seeing a lot of winners!

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