Central Artists Agent Day Callbacks

Published: August 09, 2021

Hey Everyone! Another Agent Day and another spectacular job! Nicole Conner of Central Artists LA was thrilled with the level of talent, diversity, and marketability of the talent that she met. Here are her callbacks:

  • Noraye Gardiner
  • Adela Yanev
  • Ray Cordero
  • Sarah Kreifels
  • Isabella Hrefnudottir

Congrats to everyone for the terrific work! This month we are excited to be hosting Discover Talent LA, long time friends of Seattle Talent, they just booked our guy Tanner Zingleman on a national IHOP campaign. Keep up the tremendous work team!

Noraye Gardiner

Adela Yanev

Ray Cordero

Sarah Kreifels

Isabella Hrefnudottir

See Also